Autowatch Ghost installers near me

Phone Number: 07546328463

Locksmith Services

  • Services available 24-hours a day every week
  • Key Cutting
  • Cylinder and Security Keys

We offer a wide range of key blanks for cutting the standard yale category of keys, security keys as well as the locker, cabinet and drawer keys as well.

 Mortice Keys

Our vehicles have key cutting machines; we can cut the available mortice as well as the sideward mortice keys available on the site.

 Car Keys

Our services include supplying, cutting and programming the replacement and spare car keys.

We can help you with your home security by providing 24/7 locksmith services and offering a solution to problems with locks and keys.

Lock changes

Have you lost your house keys or been locked out?

Wirral Ghost Security Systems provide a wide range of options when it comes to changing of locks for all door types, regardless of whether the reason for changing the lock, we can help. We can replace the existing lock to British standard BS3621:2004.

If you have been burgled and require a new lock, Wirral Ghost Security Systems offer affordable solutions for your lock replacement.

By having fitting locks of the doors and windows, it helps to reduce the chances of being burgled. It’s also essential to ensure you keep the doors and windows well closed and locked.

Security upgrade

The company also offers free security surveys and also provide a three-star rated anti-snap euro cylinders. Some of the security upgrades that we carry out include garage security, fitting locks to security gates, Fitting in locks on critical windows or even changing locks of cabinets such as gun cabinet among others.

Wirral Ghost Security Systems also has UPVC specialist who provides full replacement service for both UPVC windows and doors, either by replacing their handles or hinges. We also supply safe keys as a form of security upgrading. The safe keys are produced per the police keys safes. The key safes are sold at a low cost, which is meant to suit the budget of most people. Key safe helps to increase security and keep the mind at ease.

Keyless entry for UPVC, composite and wooden doors

Remote keyless entry (RKE) system is a system that was developed to promote convenience when locking or unlocking doors or windows using a remote control. Remote controls help in enhancing security and providing comfort for all types of buildings.

Why choose Wirral Ghost Security Systems?

  1. We have specialised personnel who are highly trained and credited on UPVC windows and doors; therefore; they provide the best solution in case your UPVC locks have been tampered with.
  2. Our staffs have experience and extensive knowledge when it comes to security upgrading; therefore they can give good advice to their clients
  3. We provide services seven days a week.
  4. We can help in improving the quality of life of their clients by enhancing their security either at home, at work or even in their vehicles. In return, this helps to ease their mind and improve their peace.
  5. We provide solutions to people, especially when they are in a tight place such as been locked out or have lost their keys.
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